Category Archives: Subpoena
Final Restraining Orders (FRO) Are Not Easy to Change
In the case, G.M. v. C.V., a New Jersey Superior Court from the Appellate Division denied a defendant’s request to vacate a FRO under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (the Act), N.J.S.A. 2C:25–17 to –35. The female Defendant’s motion to dissolve the FRO was denied because it did not include a transcript of… Read More »

Issuing a Subpoena for a Minor
Sometimes, especially in domestic disputes, a key witness in a case may be a minor under the age of 18. The experience of such witnesses can be integral to the defendant’s or plaintiff’s case, but issuing a subpoena to ask them to testify at a hearing is complicated by their age. Rule 1:9 of… Read More »