Governor Phil Murphy and Executive Orders Department of Corrections and Parole Board Early Release and Hearing Dates

When a family member or loved one is incarcerated in New Jersey State Prison NJSP, we want to do everything that we can to be of assistance.
We will correspond with Department of Corrections and the Parole Board and their lawyers to help get you re-uniting with your family member and loved one. You may also need assistance preparing for a Classification hearing or re-classification hearing.
During this virus and COVID-19 period, and possible pandemic, many prisoners are already rehabilitated and ready for parole even if denied release at their first hearing. You can do things to help facilitate earlier release and ensure a proper home inspection and we can share what we know.
You may hear form the Department of Corrections medical personnel or a Parole Officer doing an investigation at your home. We can help prepare you for that.
If you can show military or Veteran status, whether Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard, reserve or active or National Guard that can help also.
We can help ensure that post-release counseling is arranged with our experienced team of medical professionals and that it can occur by telephone, zoom or other means. Another important factor is whether Education and Health Centers of America (EHCA) and their Incarcerated Veterans Initiative program. Make sure that you participate in the opportunities to be involved in group activities within the prison.